Sunday, March 30, 2008

Concerned About the Decline of Songbirds?

Here's an excellent article about a major threat to migratory birds and what you can do about it (stop buying out-of-season imported produce). Bird collisions with wind turbines are a very minor source of mortality compared with this and many other human activities--go here for more info on wind and wildlife. (We're working on an update to this fact sheet that should be ready soon, but the basic facts are unchanged.)


Friday, March 28, 2008

Wind Power Tops 40% of Supply in Spain, Briefly

... according to Agence France Presse. It's symbolic of how far Spain has come--the country has been duking it out with the U.S. for several years for the #2 position in wind capacity installed, behind world leader Germany. Detailed statistics here.

Unplug Global Warming and Peak Oil with Plug-Ins

Today's issue of Salon has an excellent article by Joe Romm, former Assistant Secretary of Energy, on peak oil, global warming and how plug-in hybrid autos fueled by renewable energy sources like wind and solar can help us deal with both.

Darn Those Noisy Wind Turbines

Check out this video from the Fond du Lac (Wis.) Reporter.


Monday, March 24, 2008

Plug-In Hybrids Misrepresented?

For those of you who may have read or heard of a recent USAToday story about how plug-in hybrid automobiles may actually increase pollution, there is a well-documented response at the Plug-In Partners site. Check it out.

(Update 3/28/08: There's also a good discussion here.)
